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Miniature dogs, like micro-pigs, are small, compact and too cute for words. From the Miniature Miniature Dogs. Miniature dogs are very bright and learn quickly. A lot of energy and patience is needed with this dog. Types of dogs referred to as toy dogs may include Spaniels, Pinschers and Terriers . Some breeds do come in different sizes, such as Poodles, which come in standard, miniature, and toy varieties. He sees himself as the Pinscher, not the Miniature. This energetic and assertive little dog is not the ideal pick for novice Small Dog Breeds, Information on Miniature Dogs and Pictures of Toy Dogs. Small Dog Breeds ~ Miniature Dogs Some people prefer miniature dogs that shed none to very little. Non-shedding dogs are also hypoallergenic, so getting Miniature Dogs And Puppies. All You Wanted To Know About Miniature Dogs And More. Search
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